Friday, October 16, 2020

What is Smoke Testing?

Smoke Testing: This is build acceptance Testing performed after build is released to the Testing. This Testing is done to check the major functionalities are working fine or not.

What is Sanity Testing?

Sanity Testing: This is build acceptance Testing performed after build is released to the Production. This Testing is done to check the major functionalities are working fine or not.

What is Re-Testing?

Retesting: Retesting is performed after Defect is fixed to verify whether fix is working fine

What is Regression Testing?

Regression: Regression is performed in 3 ways to make sure existing functionality is not disturbed during the changes.

1. Whenever new build is released

2. Whenever a defect is fixed

3. Whenever environment changes are happened

What is UAT?

UAT (User acceptance Testing): UAT is performed verify whether build is acceptable to customer before releasing to the production. We have 2 types of UAT testing:

1. Alpha - Testing

2. Beta - Testing

Alpha-Testing is performed at development site in the presence of the customer

Beta-Testing is performed at production site in the presence of the customer

What is Defect Life Cycle:

Defect Life Cycle: We can say Defect Life Cycle means "the travel of the defect from Open status to Closed status"

There different phases of a Defect:

1. Open

2. In progress

3. Fixed

4. Resolved

5. Closed

6. Reopened

7. Invalid

8. Deferred

-> Whenever a Tester raised the defect, the status of the defect is 'open'.

-> It is moved to "Inprogress" when Developer accepts the defect as Bug

-> When developer gives the fix for the defect then, the status is moved to 'Fixed'

-> Once the defect is fixed, Tester does Retesting. If functionality is working as expected, the status is moved to 'Resolved'

-> If the Functionality is not working as expected, then the status of the defect is moved to 'Re-Opened'

-> All Resolved Defects are moved to the 'Closed' status by the Test Lead.

-> Whenever defect is raised and developer thinks it is working fine. He changes the defect status to 'Invalid'

-> If there are any minor defects and those are not required to fix in the current release the Defect status is moved to 'Deferred' 

What is the deferred status?

If there are any minor defects and those are not required to fix in the current release then, the Defect status is moved to 'Deferred'.

What is Priority and its Levels?

Priority tells How urgency, the defect need to be fixed. It is Client Point of View.

Priority Levels can be:

1. Blocker

2. Critical

3. Major

4. Medium

5. Minor

6. Low

What is Severity and its Levels?

Severity tells the impact of the defect on the application. 

Deferent Severity Levels are:

1. Blocker

2. Critical

3. Major

4. Medium

5. Minor

6. Low


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Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
I am Automation Testing Professional. I have completed my graduation in B.Tech (Computers) from JNTU Hyderabad and started my career in Software Testing accidentally since then, I passionate on learning new technologies

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