Tuesday, December 4, 2018

I have attended some interviews during my career. I am sharing with you questions i was asked in the interviews. Hope these questions are helpful to the readers.

    How to integrate maven and Jenkins?
    Differences between TestNG and JUnit?
    What is Page Object Model?
    Explain about your project framework?
    How to set proxy in maven?
    How to execute single login test case from multiple TCs?
    How to get the screenshot for failed case?
    How to find the 2nd largest value of an array?
     Ans: mysql> SELECT max(salary) FROM Employee WHERE salary < (SELECT           max(salary) FROM Employee); [see link]
    How to find the duplicate words from a file?
    How to find largest word from a string value?
    Write a java program to count the characters, words and lines from file.
    How to right click on an element?
    What are the major challenges to design a framework?
    What is parallel testing in Selenium and how to do using TestNG and Selenium??
    How to do parallel testing using Selenium Grid?
    How to locate an element in ArrayList and LinkedList?
    Difference between Set and Map?
    Shall we pass null to the key in Map?
    Does map allow duplicate keys?
    How to change string value("15.22") to double value?
    How to verify broken Broken Links? Any tool? 
    Switch Case
    Strings assigning with out a method, condition, concatenate operator.
    Max no.of nodes allows in the Selenium Grid
    Maven uses other than adding dependencies
    Configuration for Testing with IE browser.
    How Integration happened for Development and Testing on Jenkins tool.
    How to verify the color for a WebElement. What is return type of the method?
    Difference between Interface and Functional Interface
    What is Thread pool
    Difference between TDD and BDD Framework
    What are annotations in cucumber?
    Write a Java program to check whether given number is Palindrome number.
    Write a reusable function for below scenario.
    Scenario: An application contains multiple windows(10), I need to switch to the particular window based on the title i pass.
    Difference between Comparator and comparable?
    What happens in below case:
    int 10.10;
    double 10;
    ArrayList<Object> al=new ArrayList<String>();
    What is difference between below two statements?
    String str=new String("QASign");
    String str="QASign";
    Write a Reusable function to launch corresponding browser where i pass only Browsername?
    Write a Java program to print sentence and each word of a sentence in reverse order, remove duplicate characters.
    Eg: India is a Beautiful Country O/P: yrtnuoC lufitaeB a si aind
    Difference between Continuous Development, Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing?
    Difference between staleElementException and noSuchElementException?
    What is Exception Hieratchy?
    What are checked exceptions? What are Un-Checked Exceptions
    What is Polymorphism?
    Examples to Method Overloading in Selenium and in Java?
    Examples to Method Overriding in Selenium and in Java?
    What is Super POM?
    Write a reusable method to verify all the broken links.
    How to identify Network latency in selenium?
    How to identify duplicate code?
    What is method hiding in Java?

selenium-repo by venu

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About Me

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Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
I am Automation Testing Professional. I have completed my graduation in B.Tech (Computers) from JNTU Hyderabad and started my career in Software Testing accidentally since then, I passionate on learning new technologies

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