What is method overload and method override?
Method Overload:method overload means methods contain with same name and difference in the parameters
This difference may be in the
-> sequence of the parameters
-> number of the parameters
-> type of the parameters
Method Override: Method Override means methods with same name and same parameters. This override performs in parent and child classes
What is a static keyword in Java?
If applies static to the member of a class. You can directly access that with the classname without creating any object.
- The value of the static variable is shared by all objects of a class means same set of copy available to all the objects.
What is final keyword in Java?
Final means fixed. No changes can be happened on it. If applies final
-> to a variable then, that variable value can not be changed.
-> to a method then, that method can not be override
-> to a class then that class can not be inherited.
What are the Access Modifiers?
Access Modifiers are:
1. public
2. private
3. default
4. protected
-> public means that member of a class can be visible and accessed anywhere in the project.
-> private means that member can be visible and accessed with in a method or class.
-> default means that member can be visible and accessed with in a package. If no access modifier is used, it considers as default
-> protected means that member can be visible and accessed with in a package and in child classes of another package.
What is Selenium?
Selenium is a automation tool which is used to automate the web applications.
Advantages of Selenium?
1. Selenium is an Open-Source
2. Selenium supports multiple languages like Java, c#, Python, Ruby, Perl etc.,
3. We can write the automation scripts in multiple browsers like chrome, firefox, IE, Microsoft Edge etc.,
4. Selenium supports multiple Operating Systems Windows, Linux, Mac etc.,
5. Supports Android and iOS
What is a WebDriver?
WebDriver is an Interface, it is implemented by respective Browser Drivers like ChromeDriver, FirefoxDriver etc.,
Write a simple Selenium Script or Code?
System.setProperties("webdriver.chrome.driver","Path of the Driver File");
WebDriver driver=new ChromeDriver();
What are different Locators in Selenium?
Locator: Locator means an address of an WebElement. We have Locators in Selenium like
1. id
2. name
3. className
4. tagName
5. linkText
6. partialLinkText
7. xpath
8. cssSelector
What is absolute xpath and relative xpath?
absolute xpath starts with '/' and it identifies the element from route node to child node.
relative xpath starts with '//' and it identifies the element directly where it present in the HTML DOM.
Note: / -> single forward slash, // -> double forward slashes
How to write xpath?
We can write the xpath using tagName, attribute and values like
Also we can write xpath with
1. text() method
2. contains() method
3. xpath axes like parent, ancestor, preceding-sibling and forwarding-sibling etc.,
What is a Page Object?
A Page Object is class which is created for each and every page of an application.
This class contains all the WebElements of the page and getter methods for respective webElements.
What is the PageFacory?
PageFacory is a class which is used to initialize the PageObject.
Diference between findElement and findElements()?
findElement() is used for Single elements and return type is WebElement.
findElements() is used for List of WebElements and return type is List<WebElement>.
What are the waits in Selenium?
Selenium provides waits like
1. implicitwait
2. explicitwait
3. fluentwait
What is the difference between implicit wait and explicit wait?
implicit wait is used to provide waiting time for all the WebElements
explicit wait is used to provide the waiting time for a specific condition or WebElement.
Write a code for implicit wait?
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10,TimeUnit.SECONDS) ;
Write a code for explicit wait?
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver,30);
How to enter the data into the textbox?
using sendKeys() method of selenium library, we can enter the data.
How to click on a button?
using click() method, we can click on a button
How to get the text of a WebElement?
using getText(), we can get the Text.
How to initialize the webdriver?
WebDriver driver =new FirefoxDriver();
Here, we create the object for the class 'FirefoxDriver' and store it in reference variable of the Webdriver Interface.
How to launch a browser and pass the URL?
1. First, we need to set the property for the driver like
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecho.driver", "path of the driver file");
2. Intialize the driver like
WebDriver driver =new FirefoxDriver();
3. Use the get() method to pass the URL like
what is the difference between quit() and close()?
quit() method closes all the window instances opened by the driver
close() method closes only current window instance.
How to handle/select dropdown element in the selenium?
We can handle dropdown element using Select class. The class contains the methods like
Select select=new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("locator")));
How to do mouse over action and click()?
We can take the help of Actions class to this.
1st create an object for actions class
2nd Perform the mouse hover action using moveToElement method.
3rd click on the link using click method.
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
How to Handle multiple Windows in Selenium?
getWindowHandle(), getWindowHandles() and switchTo() methods help to work with multiple windows.
All Opened window Ids get and store in Set reference variable and switch them with switchTo() method.
How to take a screenshot in Selenium?
We can take the help of "TakesScreenshot" Interface. This interface has the method "getScreenshotAs()". Using this, we can take the screenshot and save it in a file.
Code Snippet:
TakesScreenshot scrShot =((TakesScreenshot)webdriver);
File SrcFile=scrShot.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(SrcFile, "C:/Test.png");
What is textng.xml file format?
<suite name="SuiteName">
<test name="TestName ">
<class name="packagename.classname"/>
What are different testng Annotations?
@beforesuite -> this annotation will call before executing all the tests
@beforetest -> this annotation will call before executing all test cases
@beforeclass -> this annotation will call before executing all test cases in a class
@beforemethod -> this annotation will call before executing each and every test case
@Test -> it represents a Test Case
@aftermethod -> this annotation will call after executing each and every test case
@afterclass -> this annotation will call after executing all test cases in a class
@aftertest -> this annotation will call after executing all test cases
@aftersuite -> this annotation will call after executing all the tests
What is an Assertion?
Assertion is used for validation. We use Assert class from testng library to this validations. It has methods like assertEquals(), assertTrue(), assertFalse()
How to run only smoke testcases?
We can set the tag in the feature file and it pass in the TestRunner file.
What are the dependecies required for Cucumber BDD Framework?
Along with selenium-java and testng, also require
What are CucumberOptions in TestRunner File?
We have CucumberOptions like
1. features
2. glue
3. tags
4. format
5. dryRun
6. monochrome
7. strict
features option is for setting up the path of the feature files
glue option is for setting up the path of the stepDefinition files
tags is to instruct what tag from feature file to execute
format is to set which report format to be generate after execution
dryRun to check all feature steps has respective matched Step Definition. Default Value is False
monochrome to display console output in readable way. Default Value is False
strict is to fails the execution if there are undefined or pending steps. Default Value is False
What are the Hooks in Cucumber?
@Before and @After
-> Before executes before executing all the steps
-> After executes after executing all the steps
What is the framework you are using and Can you explain briefly?
I am working on BDD Framework with cucumber. It contains the components like
1. feature files
2. stepdefinition files
3. pageobjects
4. testrunner
5. WebDriverManager
6. utility
7. testdata
8. properties file
9. target
10. config folder
11. pom.xml
What is the feature file?
feature file contains all the scenarios to be execute.
One feature file contains multiple scenarios
One scenario contains multiple steps
We write scenarios and steps in Gherkin Language
What are the Keywords use in feature file?
We use Gherkin Keywords like
feature at feature level
scenario and scenario outline at scenario level
Given, When, Then, And, But at step level
What is deference between scenario and scenario outline?
we do not pass the testdata in scenario but we can pass testdata in "scenario outline" using "Example" keyword.
Can you write BDD steps for Gmail login Functionality in the feature file?
Yes I write.
with Scenario:
Feature: Application Login
Scenario: Verify Login Functionality
Given I Open The Gmail
When I Entered The Username "abc@gmail.com" and password "12345"
And I Click On Login Button
Then I See Gmail Home Page
with Scenario Outline:
Feature: Application Login
Scenario Outline: Verify Login Functionality
Given I Open The Gmail
When I Entered The <username> and <password>
And I Click On Login Button
Then I See Gmail Home Page
| username | password |
| abc@gmail.com | 12345 |